Sassa Srd Basic Income Grant Updates

For millions of South Africans, grants are a lifeline, enabling them to afford their most basic needs. It has now been submitted to the Minister of Social Development a petition to make the Basic Income Grant permanent.

Sassa Srd Basic Income Grant Updates

In February, the Department of Social Development (DSD) approved the Basic Income Grant. After the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the livelihoods of a large percentage of South Africans, advocates have continued to call for the grant to be introduced.

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) offers several types of grants to eligible members of society, including Old Age Grants, Child Support Grants, and Disability Grants. As the country’s economic struggles continue, more and more people are calling for a permanent solution.

More About Sassa Srd Basic Income Grant Updates

During the pandemic, the Social Relief of Distress Grant, also known as the R350 grant, provided temporary financial relief to those who were unemployed. SRD’s grant has sparked conversations about a more permanent solution for unemployed South Africans.For millions of South Africans, grants are a lifeline, enabling them to afford their most basic needs. Minister of Social Development has now been presented with a petition requesting a permanent Basic Income Grant.

The SRD grant has been renamed Basic Income Grant, but its roll-out has been slow. The grant was used by more than 20 million people in 2022.As the inequality gap widens, the DSD has been focusing on poverty alleviation, allocating a large portion of its annual budget towards combating this challenge. Basic Income Grants are one of these strategies.

Petition For A Permanent Basic Income Grant

On Tuesday, Black Sash, a South African human rights organization, handed over a memorandum and petition to Lindiwe Zulu, Minister of Social Development.

With more than 330,000 signatures from across the country, the petition has been handed over to the Minister of the DSD, Lindiwe Zulu, the National Treasury, the Minister of Finance, and President Ramaphosa.Unemployed South Africans between the ages of 18 and 59 are urged to sign this petition calling for Basic Income Support to be introduced immediately.

As a result of soaring living costs and a catastrophic pandemic, Black Sash demands permanent social assistance for unemployed South Africans. The unemployment rate in South Africa is 32,9%, with a higher youth unemployment rate of 63,9% for 15-24 year olds and 42,1% for 25-34 year olds. While a shocking number of our people are unable to afford basic goods and services, it is evident that the Government isn’t fulfilling its constitutional commitment.

Furthermore, Black Sash asks for a Basic Income Grant of R663 per month, in line with the Food Poverty Line.Lastly, the organisation calls on the government to acknowledge and prioritise the challenges faced by beneficiaries.

Grant recipients face difficulties when collecting their grants, including system glitches, payment delays, long queues and inclusion and exclusion errors. One day’s delay can set back weeks for low-income households who pay for transportation to collect their payments.

Black Sash urges government to take this memorandum seriously and recognise the voices of South Africans in this petition.

Minister Zulu Statement About Basic Income Grant

Aside from providing financial assistance to vulnerable individuals, Minister Zulu believes the grant could also promote economic growth. A multitude of issues have plagued South Africa’s economy, including the aftermath of the pandemic, decade-and-a-half loadshedding problems and a terrifying crime rate. As a result of these struggles, millions of South Africans are unemployed and struggling to make ends meet.

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