Here Are The Sassa Social Grant Increases For 2023/2024

Due to the persistent rise in living costs for most of the country’s population, Sassa social grant recipients will be pleased to learn that their monthly grant payments have increased.

Here Are The Sassa Social Grant Increases For 2023/2024

The Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, announced during his budget speech for the 2023/24 financial year that social grants will increase by approximately 5%.

The Minister outlined the increases to permanent grants following the allocation of R400 million to SASSA

  • A R2,085 old age grant will be offered to those over 75, while a R2,105 old age grant will be offered to those under 75.
  • There will be an increase from R2,005 to R2,105 in the War veterans grant.
  • From R1 990 to R2085 will be the increase in Disability grants.
  • Foster care grants will increase by R1,050  to R1,125.
  • There will be an increase in the Care dependency grant from R1,985 to R2,085.
  • There will be an increase in the child support grant from R480 to R505.
  • Likewise, grant-in-aid will increase from R480 to R505, which is due for an increase.

In addition, Godongwana noted that the state expects the number of beneficiaries to rise over the next three years, and that child care and old age payments continue to receive the largest shares of government funding.

A total of 70% of grant expenditures over the MTEF period can be attributed to child support grants and old age grants combined. In 2023/24, 17.5 million beneficiaries will receive these two grants. In the medium term, social grants will increase in line with inflation.” Godongwana said.

Further, the government estimates that by March 2026, there will be 19.6 million recipients of permanent social grants.

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