Department of employment and labour 2023/2024

People who are unemployed might register as job searchers at the local labor center.

If employers are looking for learnership applicants, this will help them find them.


Send your resume to the US Labor Department (Government) if you are actively seeking employment.

Send us your CV by email or WhatsApp, and we’ll add it to the national database. You’ll get communication anytime a position opens up that fits your CV.

You must give some basic information about yourself in order to register with the Department of Labour as an employment seeker. You must register for a profile with the Department of Labor before you can begin.

Either online or in person at one of the Department of Labour’s offices, you can do this. You will have access to the job openings made available by the Department of Labour after creating your profile.

Accessible materials include advice on how to write a résumé and suggestions on how to be ready for interviews. You will also be able to get alerts regarding employment-related occasions like job opportunities. Additionally, you will be able to update your profile with any fresh knowledge or expertise you have gained.

Once you have registered with the Department of Labour as a work seeker, you will have access to all of their services, including career counseling, help with job searching, and possibilities for training and development. It’s crucial to maintain your profile up to date and aware of any potential new employment possibilities. By submitting a work seeker registration form to the Department of Labour

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onlineinc team are jobs and learnership and news publishers in various province in South Africa

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