Education Assistants and general Assistant forms 2023

Who Can Apply For a Teaching Assistant Job?

The purpose of the Department of Teaching’s assistant job drive is to hire unemployed youth. For this reason, only those between 18 and 35 years of age can apply. Furthermore, applicants will have to have a National Senior Certificate (Matric) and not be receiving any government grant or assistance or in university, college, or currently receiving other training.

If you meet these criteria and are placed at a school, you will be required to provide additional information to substantiate your qualifications and prove that you are a good candidate for the job. Then, once that information is received, you’ll be employed by the school for five months, where you’ll have the opportunity to receive training that can lead to opportunities in the future.

What Areas Can You Expect to Receive Training On?

While you’re in the five-month program, you will be assigned a position where you’ll receive training on. These are the available positions according to the DBE:

ICT Support

Your responsibilities may include troubleshooting IT issues and uploading educational content on learners’ and teachers’ devices, among other IT-related duties.

Child and Youth Care Work

If you’re hired as a child and youth care worker, your function will be to provide psychosocial support to learners.

Reading Champions

Your job as a reading champion is to improve reading and literacy rates among learners.

Infrastructure Maintenance

Those employed in infrastructure maintenance will become handymen at schools and be provided with training to ensure they provide good quality work.

Sports and Enrichment Agents

Your job will be to assist schools with sports and cultural activities. You will have to be fit and interested in sports.


Step 1: Visit

To get access to the teaching assistant jobs, you will need to visit as it forms part of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative to enable the youth to find jobs.

The website is free to access from Rain, Vodacom, Cell C, MTN, and Telkom, which means you don’t need data to apply.

Step 2: Register For An Account

If you have never registered for SAYouth before, you will need to register for an account.

Fill in your ID number, name, surname, and cell phone number. You can also fill in your Whatsapp number and email address if you have one.

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